Complete Chocolate Lover’s Guide for the San Francisco Bay Area

Let’s build a chocolate factory


Anybody can join in to make it happen

If you’ve been reading my Chocolate Salon mega-articles you know that a recent recurring topic is Rainy Day Chocolate’s soon-to-be chocolate factory and shop in Forestville. It’s been a coming attraction for a few years now — so much so that we joke about its imminent arrival at every Salon.

Now it’s close to completion and Jen and Chris are holding a GoFundMe fundraiser to get the most crucial items crossed off their punch list. The total for the GoFundMe is $11,000 and as of this writing they are 88% there. Maybe you can help them reach their goal.

They are offering rewards for donations starting from a thank you listing on their webpage for a $25 donation up to a trip with them to Guatemala — where they source some of their beans — in 2026 for a donation of $2750. In-between rewards include free chocolate, Rainy Day swag, a chocolate making workshop, and invitations to their grand opening in April.

Rainy Day construction interior
Rainy Day interior under construction — it’s going to be so pretty

While $11,000 is the immediate goal, they are hoping to raise more funds to finish everything. On the GoFundMe page they break down their wish list to:

  • Construction and Renovation: $7,000
  • Chocolate-Making Equipment: $5,000
  • Marketing and Launch Events: $3,000

Let’s do this!

When the space is completed they will be able to not only manufacture their chocolate bars, barks, bonbons, toffees, and enrobed chocolates there, they will also have a store where we can sample and purchase their award winning chocolate. Jen and Chris also plan to give factory tours, teach chocolate making classes, and host special events in the space.

Even if you are unable to donate, follow Rainy Day on Instagram for updates on their chocolate factory progress — and make plans to visit when they open April-ish 2025.

Rainy Day Chocolate storefront
Let’s take that Coming Soon banner off of Rainy Day Chocolate’s storefront!

Published January 27, 2025

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