Complete Chocolate Lover’s Guide for the San Francisco Bay Area

Drawn to Chocolate


The Sketchbook Project and Brooklyn chocolatier Mast Brothers team up for a limited edition chocolate bar with a wrapper that you can decorate with your own artwork.

Two of my favorite things are chocolate and art. Please don’t ask me to put them in order. So when I saw the latest promotion from the Sketchbook Project, I had to look into it. The Sketchbook Project encourages artists of every ability to make and share art. They are best known for their “crowd sourced library of artists’ books”, where artists around the world send in a small fee and get a plain sketchbook that they then turn into works of art. The books become a part of the Brooklyn Art Library, the world’s largest collection of sketchbooks, and tour the country in traveling exhibits. For their latest project, the Sketchbook Project has teamed up with Brooklyn, NY chocolatier Mast Brothers to produce a limited edition Brooklyn Blend chocolate bar with a blank wrapper which you can decorate with your own artwork (think paints, ink, collage, etc.). The bar ($8 + tax and shipping) comes with an official Sketchbook Project pencil. You can share photos of your wrapper artwork on Instagram. I couldn’t resist and have already ordered mine. I’ll share the artwork here when I’m done. So if you like art and chocolate, head on over to Remember, it’s a limited edition, so the chocolates won’t last, but the wrappers might.

Sketchbook Project and Mast Bros. chocolate bar, your blank canvas.
Sketchbook Project and Mast Bros. chocolate bar, your blank canvas.

Published April 18, 2014