We have grouped SFBA chocolate locations by type and assigned them these icons so you can quickly see what type of place each location is.
Someone who makes quality chocolate, often by hand using local organic ingredients.
Bean to bar
Someone who makes chocolate starting from the cacao beans to finished product.
Someone who makes candy and chocolate treats.
Chocolate kitchen/factory store
Local chocolatier’s store that is part of their workplace. Possible to meet the maker(s) here.
Chocolate café
Place to eat and/or drink chocolate items. Often includes a retail space to buy chocolates.
Retail store with local artisan chocolate
A chocolatier/chocolate maker’s own shop, or a boutique or local grocery store that supports local chocolatiers by carrying their wares.
Farmers’ market chocolate vendor
A local artisan chocolatier who sells their wares at a local farmers’ market.
Chocolate attraction
A chocolate-related place worth checking out, such as an imported chocolates boutique.