Complete Chocolate Lover’s Guide for the San Francisco Bay Area

Wine Country Chocolates Sonoma Plaza

Wine Country Chocolates – Sonoma Plaza

This location is open 7 days a week and is conveniently located on Sonoma Plaza

Wine Country Chocolates Sonoma Plaza

414 First Street East, Sonoma

Wine Country: Sonoma County DIY tour
Retail storeLocal Chocolatier

Chocolate tastings in wine country

Wine Country Chocolates, est. 1999, opened this shop in 2009 as an adjunct to their factory/shop in Glen Ellen. Like the original location, they offer chocolate tastings here; unlike the Glen Ellen shop, this location is open 7 days a week.

Wine Country Chocolates carries a huge line of treats for such a small operation: Truffles, bars, barks, dipped chocolates, molded chocolates, sugar free chocolates, toffee, caramels, mendiants, rocky road, nonpareils, and chocolate discs — plus their own T-shirts and branded mini-coolers (AKA insulated lunch boxes), so you can proudly advertise your love for their chocolate.

You can order Wine Country Chocolates online, or visit one of their 3 locations.

Wine Country Chocolates other locations:

CBTB tip

Wine Country Chocolates’ large assortment of reasonably priced confections make ideal non-wine wine country souvenirs.

CBTB mentions

Published 6 August, 2019