Complete Chocolate Lover’s Guide for the San Francisco Bay Area

TGC square

The Good Chocolate

Natural sugar substitutes and other good attributes in pretty, cool (literally) bars

TGC samples
The Good Chocolate line-up

25 Leland Ave, SF

Bayview/Excelsior SF DIY Tour

Zero-sugar chocolate bars

bean to barFactory Store

The Good Chocolate, est. 2018, strives hard to live up to their name: No sugar, bean to bar, vegan, keto & paleo friendly, soy free, and organic. They substitute erythritol, mesquite powder, and stevia for sugar in their range of 54% milk and 65% dark chocolate bars, mini-bars, and squares, and other chocolate treats.

You can find The Good Chocolate online, at special events, and at some local grocery stores, such as Hudson Greens & Goods.

CBTB tip

If reducing sugar is important to you but you still want to eat chocolate, try the 65% Himalayan Salt or Salted Almond bar. The salt seems to help reduce the cooling sensation and makes these their more chocolatey tasting bars.

CBTB mentions

Published 13 October, 2020